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Soal Narrative Text, Soal, Jawaban "The Secret of the Old Willow Tree"

Soal Narrative Text, Soal, Jawaban "The Secret of the Old Willow Tree"

The Secret of the Old Willow Tree

In the quaint village of Meadowfield, there stood an ancient willow tree, its branches whispering secrets of old. The villagers often spoke of a hidden treasure beneath its roots, guarded by the elusive Willow Wisp, a spirit of the forest.

One day, a curious young girl named Lily decided to uncover the truth. As the sun dipped below the horizon, she approached the willow tree. A soft glow emanated from its base, and the Willow Wisp appeared, its form flickering like a gentle flame.

“Who dares seek the treasure of the willow?” the Wisp asked in a melodic voice.

“I am Lily of Meadowfield, and I seek not gold but knowledge,” she replied bravely.

Impressed by her answer, the Willow Wisp granted her a single wish. Lily wished for the prosperity of her village. The next morning, the villagers awoke to find their fields bountiful and the village thriving.

The willow tree’s secret was not of silver or gold, but of a spirit that rewarded the pure of heart.

Questions and Answers:

  1. What is the name of the village? Meadowfield.
  2. What did the villagers believe was hidden beneath the willow tree? A hidden treasure.
  3. Who is the Willow Wisp? A spirit of the forest.
  4. What did Lily seek from the Willow Wisp? Knowledge, not gold.
  5. What wish did Lily make? For the prosperity of her village.
  6. How did the Willow Wisp appear to Lily? As a soft glow and a form flickering like a gentle flame.
  7. What was the true secret of the willow tree? A spirit that rewarded the pure of heart.
  8. What happened the morning after Lily’s encounter with the Wisp? The villagers found their fields bountiful and the village thriving.
  9. Why was the Willow Wisp impressed with Lily? Because she sought knowledge instead of material wealth.
  10. What does the story suggest about the nature of true treasure? That it is not material wealth, but the rewards that come from being pure of heart

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